Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Biblioteca de Investigaciones

- Felipe A. Asenjo, Andrés Gomberoff, Cristián Erices, and Alejandra Montecinos

Optics Express, 25 26405 (2017)

- Dumitru Astefanesei, Robert Mann

"Holographic equation of state in fluid/gravity duality,'' Phys.\ Lett.\ B {\bf 770} (2017) 272"

- Nicole Darat - Daniel Loewe, Constanza Inhen (U. de Chile)

RIL Editores, Santiago, 2017

Rossi, G. (2017). Salir de la caverna: el porqué de las humanidades. En M. Figueroa (ed.). Ensayos en torno al sentido de la educación (pp.13-34). Santiago: RIL.

Another dissimilarity between moral virtue and skills: an interpretation of EN II 4, en M. Boeri, Y. Kanayama, J. Mittelmann (eds.), Soul and Mind in Greek Thought: Psychological Issues in Plato and Aristotle. Studies in the History of the Philosophy of Mind, Vol. 20, Springer, 199-215

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